Are you reporting your monthly passenger service transactions?


As most people in the point to point transport industry know, the Passenger Service Levy (PSL) is a $1 levy per passenger service transaction (trip) that service providers are liable to pay. But did you know, the Point to Point Transport Commissioner’s Levy team regularly conducts levy investigations to ensure service providers are correctly reporting the number of trips they have provided? 

During a levy investigation, the Levy team will determine the levy liability of the service provider based on a number of factors, such as trip counts, and any other relevant records held by the service provider (that can be requested under point to point law). If the levy liability of the service provider is considered to be greater than the amount of levy that has been paid then the Levy team will issue re-assessments for all relevant periods.

Over the last financial year, the Levy team has conducted over 24 PSL investigations, which has resulted in some service providers owing significant amounts in back payments to Revenue NSW.

Levy requirements

Service providers that carry out more than 600 trips per year are required to advise the Commissioner how many trips they do each month by lodging a monthly return in the Industry Portal (Portal). Service providers who carry out 600 or less trips per year that rely on a rebate or exemption from the PSL must advise the Commissioner annually. 

How to lodge a monthly return

Service providers who carry out more than 600 trips per year must submit, each month, the number of trips completed the preceding month, in the Portal. Service providers who carry out 600 or less trips per year and rely on a rebate or exemption from the PSL must do this annually.

This means that either on or before the last day of the month after the levy period ends, service providers need to log into the Portal and tell the Commissioner how many trips they completed in the period. The Passenger Service Levy User Guide has a step-by-step guide on how to do this. 

Service providers who do not do not provide a trip count may be issued with an estimated assessment and may end up paying more, or less, than they are liable for. 

Service providers who under-report their passenger service transactions will be required to pay any outstanding amounts to Revenue NSW, and may be subject to further penalties under point to point law.

Here are some helpful tips: 

  • Put a recurring reminder in your calendar so you don’t forget to lodge your return
  • Bookmark the Portal link in your browser for easy access
  • Check the Key Levy Dates calendar on the website

Something to consider during COVID-19 restrictions - even if you haven't provided any passenger services you must still lodge a monthly return. 

Service providers must still lodge a levy return even if they haven’t completed any trips in the period. Failure to report the number of trips may result in the Commissioner estimating a service provider’s levy liability and can also lead to further action from the Levy team.  

What if you are a smaller service provider and don’t carry out more than 600 trips a month? 

If you are a service provider and believe you will be providing 600 or less trips in a year or provide passenger services in remote or very remote areas of NSW, you may wish to advise the Commissioner that you are exempt (150 trips or less in a year) or that you wish to rely on a rebate (between 151 and 600 trips in a year) from the PSL. These can easily be nominated for on your PSL registration in the Industry Portal. 

Service providers that provide 600 or less trips are required to lodge their trip count and pay their levy liability (if applicable) annually.

Passenger Service Levy resources

The Point to Point Transport Commission has developed the following resources to help you better understand the Passenger Service Levy, service provider obligations and how to lodge your return.

For further information, please visit the Point to Point Transport Commissioner’s website or contact the Industry Contact Centre on 131 727.