CCTV trial commences at Central Station taxi rank


The Point to Point Transport Commissioner is trialling the use of CCTV at the Central Station taxi rank in Sydney. The purpose of the trial is to understand how artificial intelligence technology might help improve safety at taxi ranks.

The trial, with Transport for NSW and Sydney Trains, sees two cameras installed at the taxi rank outside the Grand Concourse at Central Station over three months.

During this time, activity on the rank will be monitored and analysed to provide information around rank use patterns and provide data to identify the types of vehicles using the rank. Taxi ranks are for use by taxis only and no other vehicles, including other point to point vehicles such as hire vehicles and rideshare services, should be using them.

By capturing photos and video footage, the cameras will observe any illegal driver activity and collect associated data including number plates and the display of retroreflective signage. Any personal information captured as part of the trial will be stored securely and destroyed when it is no longer needed.

The CCTV trial will also provide point to point compliance officers with essential data to improve safety at taxi ranks across the state and ensure service providers are compliant with safety standards under the point to point law.

Warning letters may be issued to service providers during the technology trial for offences including, for example, failing to display proper roof light, signage or retroreflective signage.

At the end of the three months, the data derived will determine if the trial has assisted in reducing illegal activity at the Central Station taxi rank, and whether using artificial intelligence technology in this way can assist compliance officers conduct future work.