Ordering Taxi Fare Hotline stickers from the Industry Portal

Taxi Fare Hotline stickers can now be ordered through the Point to Point Transport Commissioner's Industry Portal.

Taxi Service Providers (TSPs) can now order replacement, or additional, Taxi Fare Hotline stickers for vehicles in their fleet through the Point to Point Transport Commissioner's Industry Portal.   

From 1 September 2023, all taxis in NSW are required, by law, to display the stickers both inside and outside the vehicle. The stickers must be clearly visible to all passengers in the taxi and to prospective passengers. The positioning of the stickers should not affect a driver’s visibility – safety is always the priority.  

A minimum of two stickers must be displayed – at least one on the outside of the vehicle and one inside the vehicle: the left-hand side of the vehicle is recommended. It is recommended that three to four stickers are displayed to ensure all passengers can see them.

This step by step guide, found at the link below, will step service providers through the process of ordering replacement or additional stickers from the Industry Portal. Taxi Licence Holders should contact their network (service provider) should they require replacement or additional stickers.