Assisting service providers to deliver improved safety outcomes


The Point to Point Transport Commissioner’s compliance team recently conducted a successful visit with Maitland Taxis, to support the development of a Safety Management System (SMS) specifically for the taxi service provider’s business.

Service providers are required to have an SMS in order to identify and mitigate or eliminate foreseeable risks to passengers, drivers and others in the provision of their services.

During their visit, the compliance team members were able to help Maitland Taxis understand not only what was required of its SMS but why taxi service providers need them. Maitland Taxis reports that it benefited greatly from working with the team, and gaining greater knowledge about what’s required to maintain an appropriate and safe SMS.  

The visit to Maitland Taxis is an example of how the Commissioner collaborates with service providers who are serious about taking the steps required to comply with point to point transport law. While service providers are primarily responsible for the safety of services, the Commissioner is always open to working with industry to achieve improved safety outcomes for passengers and drivers.

More information on SMSs is available on the Commissioner’s website.